Basic Scriptwriting

Basic Scriptwriting WANG, ZHAO-WANG

CATEGORY Year Level Number of students taking the courses Curriculum Curriculum and Instructional Features
■Required Courses for College and Departments Freshman 80 ■Department of Film and Video Production
Departmental required course
●Planning Objective:
    To recreate and narrate the rich cultural stories of Shenkeng.
This course seeks to guide students in field study on Shenkeng's cultural landscape, therefore fostering a closer knowledge and respect of cultural legacy. The course will help students to arrange, evaluate, and translate their research results into cultural narratives that might function as film scripts, therefore reflecting an educational philosophy directly related to the SDG objective of excellent education.
●Instructional Features:
    Screenwriting serves as the initial concept for film production and forms the fundamental blueprint for the work and communication of the film production team. Screenwriters frequently must explore actual incidents or cultural histories to get material for their scripts. Consequently, facilitating students' profound comprehension of Shenkeng's cultural legacy and human narratives is an essential field study objective for this course. The course finally seeks to teach students how to create a detailed plot plan.
●Expected Social Impact:
    To present culturally authentic narratives grounded in Shenkeng, so augmenting the value of forthcoming digital content development.
By transforming Shenkeng’s local cultural stories into film scripts or cinematic productions, students can enhance the added value of digital content creation in Shenkeng, allowing the local cultural industry to keep pace with modern developments. This approach also supports the sustainable development of Shenkeng’s cultural heritage, aligning seamlessly with the SDG goal of fostering sustainable cities and communities.